Arduino to 2 wire motor
Arduino to Servo Motor
Arduino or Vex, 2 wire port to three wire motor. Use an Hbridge.
The VEX Motor Controller 29 uses a standard PWM signal (like that originating from the 3-wire ports on VEX Microcontrollers) to drive a VEX 2-Wire Motor.
Arduino to 6 wire motor:
"Stepper motors will have two coils and since this motor has six wires that means there are 3 wires per coil. Each of the two coils will have a common wire attached to the center of the coil, we don't want to use this wire. The way that we can determine which wire this is his by measuring resistance, and the resistance from one of the center wires to one of the other wires on the same coil will be smaller than the other pairs. If two wires are not on the same coil, you will measure an open circuit."