NodeMCU ESP8266
The NodeMCU ESP8266 with Arduino programming. Awesome! Fun and inexpensive IOT.
Create your own online server or upload data to the internet.
Some compatable Sensors and add-ons:
DHT11/22 Temperature and Humidity Sensors
BME680 Gas, Pressure, Humidity, Temperture, Humidity
Soil Moisture Sensor
I've attached:
Dallas One-wire underwater temperature sensors
A fish feeder, a mister, a water level sensor
Get Started
Aquire a Few Parts
A NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 board.
(A USBA to USBminiB cord to program the ESP82366 from your computer.)
Power (I like the V1 Breakout Expansion board. It give you easy access to the MCU and plenty of power pins for projects), and a 9v Arduino style power cord. *Most project instructables just show powering it from the computer.
A bread board to attach sensors.
Sensors, and output devices as desired.
NodeMCU V3.3 ESP8266 ESP-12 E Lua CH340G WiFI WLan IoT Arduino Lolin Mini Micro mounted on a V1 Breakout Expansion and Development Board
Prepare your NodeMCU V3 for Arduino programming.
Flash your ESP8266 NodeMCU V3 with Arduino programming capability using the NodeMCU Flashermaster and NodeMCU Firmware from Github.
Good tutorial at:
If you don’t have it, download the Arduino IDE.
Latest Arduino IDE (Arduino)
Install the ESP8266 add-on via the additional boards manager.
Good tutorial at:
Next: Program your ESP8266 as an Async Web Server